
God’s not fair and that’s a good thing

forgiveness justice characteristics of god

Even from an early age, we know when something is unfair. "He got 10 more minutes on the swing!"  "She got the larger half of the ...

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Do you really believe God loves you unconditionally?

Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, but then something you said or did caused them to treat you as if they didn’t? Or eve...

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How to define your family way

family traditions

Unless you’re a horse owner or a sixth-grader on a field trip, chances are you’re not exposed to a blacksmith’s back-br...

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Three fears expectant fathers face (and how to move past them)

fatherhood parenting husbands fear

Nothing is more simultaneously joyful and frightening than becoming a father. I remember pointing at my wife’s belly and saying, &...

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Dads don’t need more ties

obedience fatherhood children parenting

One of the most difficult tasks is shopping for Dad, especially when he won’t give away even a little hint. Handmade cards, phone c...

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How to handle conflict in community

community communication conflict

“Community” is a word we hear a lot in church. Our community are the people we share our everyday lives with — the peop...

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Six reasons people stop coming to church and what Jesus would say back

community church following jesus

For a time, I was not interested in coming to church. The Sunday tradition had grown monotonous, and I wasn’t getting anything out ...

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How do I know if I’m helping or enabling?

addiction love relationships

It is heartbreaking to watch someone throw away their life by refusing to take responsibility for their choices. I know because I’v...

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What if the Christian church agrees on more than you think?

heaven eternity resurrection church

Nicknamed “the Bible Belt,” living in the South can feel like you’re living in the land of 1,000 churches.  Churc...

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Thanks, Dad, for never giving up

fatherhood children parenting

“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland t...

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How to find your way in the brand-new world of adulthood

community friendship wisdom college

For so many, graduation marks the start of real adulthood. Whether you’re moving out for college, moving to a new city, or starting...

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Are you living in a holy huddle?

evangelism community friendship

God cares who you’re friends with. The Bible reminds us of the importance of being involved in a local church. But Christians aren&...

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