
I’m Not Dead And God’s Not Done - Caradine Tully’s Story

hope victory relationships anger

Caradine Tully faces an ongoing battle with cancer, but God has used her illness for her good. This is her story in her own words...

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From Sin To Surrender

obedience marriage relationships blessing

Nick and Jessica Conner were living together, far from God. Then Jesus used them to reach Myrtle Beach. This is Nick and Jessica's st...

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5 Ways to Know God Loves You

love relationships bible

1. He created you. Psalm 139 says He knew you before you were born. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. You were plan...

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An open letter from a single guy to a single girl

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Dear Single Girl, I don't know you personally, yet, but there are a few things I want to tell you with the hope that I will get to k...

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Relationships in a War Zone

relationships parenting spiritual warfare

As I sat in a hospital bed and held my first child, grief began to consume me. My sweet baby girl would face a harsh, dark world. This wo...

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